Gedetailleerde cursusinhoud
Understanding a Table
- Identify the advantages of a relational database
- Define a relation
- Name the language used to talk to a relational database manager (RDBM)
- List three characteristics assigned to each column
- Define the tasks performed by DB2 when running an application
- Define the roles that are performed within DB2
Data Modeling and Database Design
- State the purpose of a business model
- Identify an Entity-Relational Diagram (ERD) model
- List several DB2 column data types
- Identify non-standard column and table names
- Identify the characteristics of a primary key and a foreign key
- State the purpose of referential integrity
- State the purpose of triggers
How does a User use DB2?
- List several ways to talk to DB2
- List multiple ways to generate an SQL statement
- List several ways to ADD, REMOVE, or CHANGE table rows
- List several ways to READ data and produce reports
How does a Programmer use DB2?
- List the steps needed to create a test environment
- List the necessary steps to coding SQL in a program
- Describe the purpose of SQL delimiters
- Describe the purpose of an SQLCA
- List the steps involved in preparing a program for execution
- State the differences between static and dynamic SQL
What does an Administrator do in DB2?
- List some of the tasks performed by a DB2 System Administrator: Identifying the DB2 product, Installing DB2, Creating subsystems/instances, databases and table spaces, Authorizing, and Monitoring
- List some of the tasks performed by a DB2 Database Administrator: Creating, altering and dropping tables, views and indexes, Planning locking strategies, Running utility jobs and Authorizing
Information Management with DB2
- List several planning considerations for distributing data
- List some of the skills required to successfully distribute data
- Differentiate between remote unit of work, distributed unit of work, and distributed request
- List some of the security concerns when dealing with distributed data
- List some of the other products that interface with DB2
Day 1
- Welcome
- Understanding a Table
- Data Modeling and Database Design
- How does a User use DB2?
Day 2
- How does a Programmer use DB2?
- What does an Administrator do in DB2?
- Information Management with DB2