Detailed Course Outline
1. Introduction
- Linux Foundation
- Linux Foundation Training
- Linux Foundation Certifications
- Laboratory Exercises, Solutions and Resources
- Distribution Details
- Labs
2. Basics of Kubernetes
- Define Kubernetes
- Cluster Structure
- Adoption
- Project Governance and CNCF
- Labs
3. Installation and Configuration
- Getting Started With Kubernetes
- Minikube
- kubeadm
- More Installation Tools
- Labs
4. Kubernetes Architecture
- Kubernetes Architecture
- Networking
- Other Cluster Systems
- Labs
5. APIs and Access
- API Access
- Annotations
- Working with A Simple Pod
- kubectl and API
- Swagger and OpenAPI
- Labs
6. API Objects
- API Objects
- The v1 Group
- API Resources
- Labs
7. Managing State With Deployments
- Deployment Overview
- Managing Deployment States
- Deployments and Replica Sets
- DaemonSets
- Labels
- Labs
8. Services
- Overview
- Accessing Services
- Labs
9. Volumes and Data
- Volumes Overview
- Volumes
- Persistent Volumes
- Passing Data To Pods
- ConfigMaps
- Labs
10. Ingress
- Overview
- Ingress Controller
- Ingress Rules
- Labs
11. Scheduling
- Overview
- Scheduler Settings
- Policies
- Affinity Rules
- Taints and Tolerations
- Labs
12. Logging and Troubleshooting
- Overview
- Troubleshooting Flow
- Basic Start Sequence
- Monitoring
- Logging
- Troubleshooting Resources
- Labs
13. Custom Resource Definition
- Overview
- Custom Resource Definitions
- Aggregated APIs
- Labs
14. Kubernetes Federation
- Overview
- Federated Resources
- Labs
15. Helm
- Overview
- Helm
- Using Helm
- Labs
16. Security
- Overview
- Accessing the API
- Authentication and Authorization
- Admission Controller
- Pod Policies
- Network Policies
- Labs