
As IP based content proliferates dramatically it is essential to store and organize huge volumes of unstructured Data that can be mined for Information. This information in the form of summarized Analytics helps organizations make decisions that are fact and trend based, increasing visibility into opportunities that could not have been possible in the past. Big Data Analytics is the linchpin capability driving value to enterprises and individuals in the emerging Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Everything (IoE ).

While Analytics is often a data-center or cloud focused activity, with the enormous amount of data generated by connecting Everything, the paradigm is shifting more so to performing analytics at the edge, also knowns as Fog Computing.

Fast Lane has a broad portfolio of programs that can help business and technical decision-makers turn Data into Information resulting in Valuable insight. Whether the goal is to develop skills to build Big Data platforms or specific applications of Big Data Analytics to achieve specific business outcomes, Fast Lane is there for you, and can tailor the training to fit your goal.

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+31 30 658 2131 |

Basistrainingen | Analytics & Big Data

Leer meer over de basis van de nieuwste analytics-oplossingen.

Bekijk hier de volledige lijst met Analytics-trainingen


Beheertrainingen | Analytics & Big Data

Leer de analytics-oplossingen te beheren, configureren en troubleshooten.

Bekijk hier de volledige lijst met Analytics-trainingen


Implementatietrainingen | Analytics & Big Data

Leer mobility-oplossingen, waaronder Big Data- en Fog Computing-oplossingen, te implementeren.

Bekijk hier de volledige lijst met Analytics-trainingen


Management & Analysistrainingen | Analytics & Big Data

Leer de prestaties van analytics-oplossingen centraal te beheren en te organiseren en leer verbanden te zien tussen de verschillende oplossingen.

Bekijk hier de volledige lijst met Analytics-trainingen


Sales-trainingen | Analytics & Big Data

Leer het gesprek aan te gaan met beslissers en advies uit te brengen over de analytics-oplossingen die het beste aansluiten op de behoefte van de klant.

Bekijk hier de volledige lijst met Analytics-trainingen



Learn more about Partner Sales Training and IT Business Specialist training.

Certificeringen | Analytics & Big Data

Bekijk hier de volledige lijst met Analytics-trainingen
