Junos Subscriber Management (JSM) – Outline

Gedetailleerde cursusinhoud

Day 1
Chapter 1: Course Introduction

Chapter 2: Introduction to Subscriber Management

Chapter 3: Access Management
  • Lab 1: Configuring Subscriber Access
Chapter 4: Dynamic PPPoE for Subscriber Access
  • Lab 2: Configuring Dynamic PPPoE Subscriber Access
Day 2
Chapter 5: Subscriber Interfaces and Dynamic Profiles
  • Lab 3: Configuring Interfaces and Dynamic Profiles
Chapter 6: Layer 2 and Layer 3 Wholesale Services
  • Lab 4: Configuring Layer 3 Wholesale Services
Chapter 7: DynamiFirewall Services
  • Lab 5: Configuring Dynamic Firc ewall Services
Day 3
Chapter 8: Subscriber Class of Service
  • Lab 6: Configuring Subscriber Class of Service
Chapter 9: Dynamic Multicast Services
  • Lab 7: Configuring Dynamic Multicast Services