Red Hat System Administration II (RH134) – Outline

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Improve command line productivity

Run commands more efficiently by using advanced features of the Bash shell, shell scripts, and various utilities provided by Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Schedule future tasks

Schedule commands to run in the future, either one time or on a repeating schedule.

Analyze and Store Logs

Locate and accurately interpret system event logs for troubleshooting purposes.

Archive and Transfer Files

Archive and copy files from one system to another.

Tune system performance

Improve system performance by setting tuning parameters and adjusting scheduling priority of processes.

Manage SELinux security

Protect and manage the security of a server by using SELinux.

Manage logical volumes

Create and manage logical volumes containing file systems and swap spaces from the command line.

Access network-attached storage

Use the NFS protocol to administer network-attached storage.

Control the boot process

Manage the boot process to control services offered and to troubleshoot and repair problems.

Manage network security

Control network connections to services using the system firewall and SELinux rules.

Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux on servers and virtual machines.

Run Containers

Obtain, run, and manage simple, lightweight services as containers on a single Red Hat Enterprise Linux server.