IBM Spectrum Scale 4.1 Basic Administration for Linux (H005G)


Who should attend

Please refer to Course Overview for description information.


You are expected to have a good understanding of UNIX/Linux, SAN and Storage concepts.

Course Content

Elastic Storage (formerly GPFS) System Administration is intended for IT professionals tasked with administering a GPFS system. This course includes information on installing, configuring and monitoring a GPFS cluster. Many features are described and tested in hands on lab activities including: Storage management, High availability options, cluster management and information lifecycle management (ILM) tools.

Prijs & Delivery methods

Klassikale training

3 dagen

  • Nederland: 1.750,– €
  • België: 1.750,– €

Beschikbare data

Instructor-led Online Training:   Dit is een Instructor-Led Online (ILO) training: een online training verzorgd door een trainer.


Tijdzone: Midden-Europese Tijd (MET)   ±1 uur

Online training Tijdzone: Midden-Europese Zomertijd (MEZT)
Online training Tijdzone: Midden-Europese Zomertijd (MEZT)
Online training Tijdzone: Midden-Europese Tijd (MET)



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