Manual Instrumentation with Splunk APM (IASAPM)


Course Overview

This 4.5-hour course enables you to manually instrument your applications to send traces to Splunk APM. Through in-person discussions and hands-on activities, learn to manually instrument applications to create spans and add metadata to spans. This course assumes familiarity with navigating Splunk APM which is covered in the course Using Splunk Application Performance Monitoring.

This lab-oriented class is designed to help you learn the fundamentals of instrumenting your code to send in traces and trace metadata. All hands-on labs are in Node.js and Java.

Who should attend



To be successful, students must have completed these Splunk Education course(s) or have equivalent working knowledge:

  • Using Splunk Application Performance Monitoring
  • Familiarity with using the command line terminal

Additional courses and/or knowledge in these areas are also highly recommended:

  • Basic knowledge of programming languages (e.g. Python, Java, Node.js)

Prijs & Delivery methods

Online training

4,5 uur

  • Op Aanvraag
Klassikale training

4,5 uur

  • Op Aanvraag

Op dit moment is deze training niet beschikbaar in het open rooster. De kans is echter groot dat wij u toch een passende oplossing kunnen bieden. Wij horen graag wat uw specifieke wensen zijn. U bereikt ons via 030 658 2131 of We helpen u graag!