Container Fundamentals (CFUN)


Course Overview

Before embarking on your Kubernetes or OpenShift journey, you must have Linux container technologies under your belt! This course covers all essential container topics enabling you to effectively use Kubernetes.

Students learn how to architect their applications to run in containers. In addition, students explore Linux container infrastructure and deploy a variety of workloads in guided labs. The course also covers how to build secure images and integrate that process into a CI/CD pipeline.

Who should attend

This course is intended for:

  • Solutions architects
  • Software developers
  • Technical managers


Basic Linux skills recommended

Course Objectives

In this course, you will learn to:

  • Run applications as containers.
  • Build container images.
  • Share images between different environments.
  • Leverage container technologies to make your applications scalable, reliable, and highly available.
  • Adopt security best practices for containers and container images.

Course Content

  • Brief Container History
  • Getting Started with Containers
  • Lifecycle of a Container
  • Lab 1: Running the First Container
  • Understanding Immutable Infrastructure
  • Building Docker Images
  • Shipping and Sharing Images
  • Lab 2: Building, Shipping and Running a Containerized Application
  • A Container-Centric CD Pipeline
  • Optional Advanced Topic: Mastering Images, Namespaces, cgroups, OverlayFS

Prijs & Delivery methods

Online training

1 dag

  • Op Aanvraag
Klassikale training

1 dag

  • Op Aanvraag

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