IBM Cognos TM1: Analyze and Share Data (V10.2) (P8257G)


Who should attend

This intermediate course is for Analysts.


You should have:

  • Knowledge of your business requirements
  • Experience using the Windows operating system and a Web browser
  • Experience using Microsoft Excel

Course Content

IBM Cognos TM1: Analyze and Share Data (V10.2) is a three-day, instructor-led course designed to teach analysts how to use TM1 to analyze data to discover trends and exceptions, create and customize reports and templates, and contribute to plans. Through a series of lectures and hands-on exercises, participants will learn how to create analyses and enter data in Microsoft Excel and on the Web, create custom views of the data, and build reports and forms in Microsoft Excel that communicate with TM1.

Prijs & Delivery methods

Klassikale training

3 dagen

  • Nederland: 2.050,– €
  • België: 2.050,– €

Op dit moment is deze training niet beschikbaar in het open rooster. De kans is echter groot dat wij u toch een passende oplossing kunnen bieden. Wij horen graag wat uw specifieke wensen zijn. U bereikt ons via 030 658 2131 of We helpen u graag!