Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability (IC-002T00)


Course Overview

As a result of attending this course, the learner should be able to understand the sustainability concepts and how the business thinks of tracking and reporting emissions, describe Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability customer scenarios, and configure the features of Microsoft Sustainability Manager.

Who should attend

This course is designed for individuals willing to learn about Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability. It is targeting and will be most beneficial to the following two roles: cloud specialist and sustainability industry technologist.

Prijs & Delivery methods

Online training

2 dagen

  • 995,– €
Klassikale training

2 dagen

  • Nederland: 995,– €

Op dit moment is deze training niet beschikbaar in het open rooster. De kans is echter groot dat wij u toch een passende oplossing kunnen bieden. Wij horen graag wat uw specifieke wensen zijn. U bereikt ons via 030 658 2131 of We helpen u graag!