Certified Powershell Hacker (CPSH)


The Certified Powershell Hacker, C)PSH, course is an intense few days covering the keys to being a Powershell hacker. Most companies have an Active Directory infrastructure that manages authentication and authorization to most devices and objects within the organization. Many use PowerShell to speed up and simplify management. A Powershell Hacker can be a security risk, or an asset to prevent breaches. Which is why we spend 4 days learning how to hack like the pros using nothing but what is already available to us in Windows or now in open source code on Mac and Linux! The course is based on real world implementations of a windows infrastructure along with real world penetration testing techniques. You will leave with a real strong skill set to help test your windows environment like never before. An attendee will also walk away with a strong skill set on how to help prevent these attacks from happening in the first place!

Who should attend

Microsoft Administrators, Cybersecurity Managers/Administrators, Penetration Testers, Active Directory Administrators


Mile2 C)PEH and C)PTE or equivalent knowledge Understanding of pen testing General Understanding of active directory General understanding of scripting and programing

Course Objectives

Upon completion, the Certified PowerShell Hacker, C)PSH candidate will be able to competently take the C)PSH exam and protect a powershell system from attack.

Course Content

Module 1 - Introduction to PowerShell Module 2 - lndroduction to Active Directory and Kerberos Module 3 - Pen Testing Revisited for the Powershell Hacker Module 4 - Information Gathering and Enumeration Module 5 - Privilege Escalation Module 6 - Lateral Movements and Abusing Trust Module 7 - Persistence and Bypassing Defenses Module 8 - Defending Against PowerShell Attacks Lab 1 – PowerShell Basics Lab 2 – Active directory Navigation Lab 3 – Metasploit Attack Lab 4 – PowerShell Enumeration Lab 5 – Guessing Passwords Lab 6 – AD Golden Ticket Lab 7 – Using PowerShell Empire for Everything

Prijs & Delivery methods

Online training

4 dagen

  • 2.999,– €
Klassikale training

4 dagen

  • Nederland: 2.999,– €

Beschikbare data

Dit is een FLEX-training: een training die zowel klassikaal als online gevolgd kan worden. Je kiest zelf de gewenste leervorm.


Tijdzone: Midden-Europese Tijd (MET)   ±1 uur

Online training Dit is een FLEX-training. Tijdzone: Midden-Europese Zomertijd (MEZT)
Dit is een FLEX-training: een training die zowel klassikaal als online gevolgd kan worden. Je kiest zelf de gewenste leervorm.


Utrecht Dit is een FLEX-training.   Tijdzone: Midden-Europese Zomertijd (MEZT) boek direct:
de online FLEX-training
de klassikale FLEX-training