Certified Security Leadership Officer (CSLO)


Mile2's Certified Security Leadership Officer course is designed for mid and upper-level managers. If you are an engineer, this course will increase your knowledge in the leading information system security teams. Plus, the C)SLO will give you an essential understanding of current security issues, best practices, and technology. With this knowledge you will then be prepared to manage the security component of an information technology project. As a Security Leadership Officer, you will be the bridge between cybersecurity and business operations. * This course/certification has been validated by the NSA for: CNSSl-4014, Information Assurance Training Standard for Information Systems Security Officers.

Who should attend

- Level Managers, IT Managers, Cyber Security Personelle, Engineers, Information Systems Owners, ISSO's , CISSP Students, ISO's


  • 12 months professional experience in IT
  • or
  • 12 months professional experience in systems management

Course Objectives

Upon completion, the Certified Security Leadership Officer candidate be able to competently take the C)SLO exam. You will be versed in implementing strong security controls and managing an organization with an industry acceptable security posture.

Course Content

  • Module 1 - Security Management
  • Module 2 - Risk Management
  • Module 3 - Encryption
  • Module 4 - Information Security Access Control Concepts
  • Module 5 - Incident Handling and Evidence
  • Module 6 - Operations Security
  • Module 7 - Network Security

Prijs & Delivery methods

Online training

5 dagen

  • 3.499,– €
Klassikale training

5 dagen

  • Nederland: 3.499,– €

Beschikbare data

Dit is een FLEX-training: een training die zowel klassikaal als online gevolgd kan worden. Je kiest zelf de gewenste leervorm.


Tijdzone: Midden-Europese Tijd (MET)   ±1 uur

Online training Dit is een FLEX-training. Tijdzone: Midden-Europese Zomertijd (MEZT)
Dit is een FLEX-training: een training die zowel klassikaal als online gevolgd kan worden. Je kiest zelf de gewenste leervorm.


Utrecht Dit is een FLEX-training.   Tijdzone: Midden-Europese Zomertijd (MEZT) boek direct:
de online FLEX-training
de klassikale FLEX-training