VMware vSphere with Tanzu: Deploy and Manage [V7] (VSKDM7)


Course Overview

During this 3-day course, you focus on deploying and managing VMware vSphere® with Tanzu. You learn about how vSphere with Tanzu can be used to orchestrate the delivery of Kubernetes clusters and containerized applications in a vSphere environment. Product Alignment

  • VMware vSphere 7

Who should attend

Experienced system administrators and system integrators responsible for designing and implementing vSphere with Tanzu


This course is part of the following Certifications:


This course requires completion of the following courses:


Experience working at the command line is helpful.

This course requires that a student be able to perform the following tasks with no assistance or guidance before enrolling in this course:

  • Create VMware vCenter Server® objects, such as data centers and folders
  • Create a virtual machine using a wizard or a template
  • Modify a virtual machine’s hardware
  • Migrate a virtual machine with VMware vSphere® vMotion®
  • Migrate a virtual machine with VMware vSphere Storage vMotion
  • Configure and manage a vSphere DRS cluster with resource pools
  • Configure and manage a VMware vSphere® High Availability cluster

If you cannot perform all of these tasks, VMware recommends that you complete one of the prerequisite courses before enrolling in VMware vSphere with Tanzu: Deploy & Manage.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

  • Describe vSphere with Tanzu and use cases in on-premises environments
  • Deploy vSphere with Tanzu
  • Describe VMware Tanzu Mission Control
  • Describe the VMware NSX® networking requirements for vSphere with Tanzu.
  • Describe vSphere with Tanzu on NSX-T Data Center
  • Describe vSphere with Tanzu on vSphere Distributed Switch
  • Create and manage vSphere with Tanzu namespaces
  • Deploy and run container applications on vSphere with Tanzu
  • Deploy and configure Harbor
  • Describe the VMware Tanzu™ Kubernetes Grid™ service
  • Deploy a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid cluster
  • Deploy and run container applications on a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid cluster
  • Describe the vSphere with Tanzu lifecycle
  • Use logs and CLI commands to monitor and troubleshoot vSphere with Tanzu

Course Content

  • Course Introduction
  • Introduction to Containers and Kubernetes
  • Introduction to vSphere with Tanzu
  • vSphere with Tanzu Core Services
  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid service
  • Monitoring and Troubleshooting
  • vSphere with Tanzu Life Cycle

Prijs & Delivery methods

Online training

3 dagen

  • 2.250,– €
Klassikale training

3 dagen

  • Nederland: 2.250,– €
  • België: 2.250,– €

Beschikbare data

Instructor-led Online Training:   Dit is een Instructor-Led Online (ILO) training: een online training verzorgd door een trainer.
Dit is een FLEX-training: een training die zowel klassikaal als online gevolgd kan worden. Je kiest zelf de gewenste leervorm.


3 uur tijdsverschil

Online training Dit is een FLEX-training. Tijdzone: Gulf Standard Time (GST)
Dit is een FLEX-training: een training die zowel klassikaal als online gevolgd kan worden. Je kiest zelf de gewenste leervorm.

Midden Oosten


Muscat boek direct


Doha boek direct

Saudi Arabië

Riyad boek direct

Verenigde Arabische Emiraten

Dubai Dit is een FLEX-training.   Tijdzone: Gulf Standard Time (GST) boek direct:
de online FLEX-training
de klassikale FLEX-training